Friday 3 December 2010

Making My Mask | Evaluation

Today, I finished working on my mask of a character from the Lion King Theatre production, Simba. I finished it after 3 weeks of hard and tiring work! The final product was worth it though.

On the first day we started these masks we had to plan out exactly what we were going to do. So we went to the College Library to find some inspiration and ideas. I found some masks from the lion king and i was really inspired by all the hard work that had gone in to them! Other people chose traditional masks such as the small half face masks. Here is an example: 
istockphoto_4580797-mardi-gras-masquerade-party-masks.jpg We started by making the template from paper mache, layering newspaper upon newspaper. I found that when I used smaller pieces of newspaper it created a better and stronger bond between the layers. This resulted in making the mask much stronger and reliable.
  It took me a good lesson and a half to fully cover my mask from top to bottom in glue and newspaper, but the final product looked great! 
Next thing I did was to add the ears which were big and circular. To make these I used a circle of card and glued on to the back of the mask. Then I used another piece of card to go on top of that ear. This let the ear have some depth and  made it more realistic. 
Next step was the painting! I used a selection of different yellows and oranges to create a good looking gradient. I also chose really thick paint so that it had a unique texture to it :) 
This texture also let light bounce off the mask so the reflections looked really good! 
I really enjoyed making the masks, even though it was a bit stressful with a time limit but never the less, having the opportunity to create a mask on anything from theatre was a very well picked assignment! If I'd of had a few extra hours to do all the touch ups and make it perfect I would of preferred that, yet its done and I am happy with the final product.


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