Friday 10 December 2010

Monologues. [Performing Arts Group]

On Friday the 10th of December, on the penultimate week before we break up for Christmas holidays, the Creative & Media group were invited to go and see the Performing Arts ladies and gentlemen perform their own written monologues. This was the first time that they had performed to an audience, so as you can tell the must of been pretty nervous! They were given a picture, one separate for the girls and one for the boys, and then from that image they had to write a monologue which somehow intertwined with that picture. The images consisted of a man looking into the distance on a bridge and the second picture for the girls was a woman standing under a tree on her own, looking down. 
We were shown into a little room where there was a few chairs waiting for us and the group were already prepared to deliver their monologue. 
The first person to stand up and deliver their speech to us was a girl called Shev; she talked about how she was affected by domestic violence. She came across in her role quite well and delivered a clear and to the point. I think that her confidence lacked a bit but some of the words she used in her speech made an impact.
Secondly another girl called Grace talked about running away from her house because she hated her new mum. Her real parents had obviously split up and her new step mum was being horrible to her. A very convincing performance using lot of different devices to convey how she felt about her new enemy. 
Third to show off their talent was yet another girl called Charlie. Her monologue was all about her time at the dentist and how she was so scared. She talked a lot about the dentist pulling out her teeth and how paranoid she was as something was going to go wrong! Quite a humorous monologue and well delivered.
The first boy to perform was one of my mates called Owen. His script consisted of a story when his "wife" left him at the alter just before he was about to get married to her. He talked of devastation and how his love for was so strong yet she didn't want to marry him. He remembered back to the time under the mahogany tree when they were in love and when they etched their names into the trees bark. A VERY convincing role and very confident delivery yet didn't come across to hyperbole. 
Back to the girls, Michelle, who talked about how hard it was being a lesbian and all the stress she was under. The way she convinced the audience into believing she was a lesbian was fantastic but their wasn't much interaction with the audience. I know she shouldn't of been marching up and down the stage but she needed to move around a bit more. Very good act.
Ryan went next and played the part of an actor who was being placed in a really bad and cheesy filmed. He talked for a while how bad the script was and the costumes but then he got out his phone and talked to the manager. He contradicted himself BIG time when he said he actually did love the film when he found how many millions he was getting paid. Bit over the top but a funny act never the less.
Faye's monologue was about how she always saw this strange elderly woman with a crystal ball. It was a bit weird and convincing to begin with but when she literally collapsed on stage, she said how a bright light shone on her with a figure of a man looking down onto her. This was apparently the man of her dreams <3 A very romantic and passionate performance! 
Finally a girl called Sarah stood up and delivered a performance about how in love she was with this one man but how strict her parents were. She showed her hate for her parents and how everytime she does something good her parents manipulate it into a bad thing. She talked a lot about running away from home, into the sunset, so that she could be with this man for ever. They wanted to get married but all she could think about was how horrible her parents were. She liked the boyfriends parents as they were better than her own parents were to her! A very emotional act...
To wrap it up, I really enjoyed watching the variety of acts that performed! A really good way to relax on a friday morning :) Well done Performing Arts Group! 

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